Host a June Election Phone Bank

Our first national phone bank house parties will be held June 6-9 in homes and local community centers across the country. Members will come together to make calls to other voters in key states. Events that are part of this program can take place only between Thursday and Sunday, June 6 to June 9, but we'll have future opportunities to host if you cannot do that window. 

The issue focus of the June house parties will be defending LGBTQ+ rights from MAGA attacks. 510 anti-gay and anti-trans bills were passed across the nation last year. MAGA Republicans are going to continue to try to strip our freedoms and bodily autonomy away. But progressive and young voters are not backing down, and we won’t backtrack on progress realized by the LGBTQ+ community. If voters who share our values turn out this fall, we can stop the slew of Republican-orchestrated attacks against LGBTQ+ communities. That's why we're hosting phone banks to call voters and remind them what's at stake for LGBTQ+ freedoms in voting this election.

MoveOn will create a national phone bank, made possible by small groups gathered in homes across the country. We will also send guidance for how to host your event and offer training for all hosts. So sign up now, and we'll be in touch!

Here are some things to consider as you create your event: 

- Dialer: MoveOn is investing in a "hub-dialer" to make calls seamless. Instead of inputting every number, the system will automatically connect volunteers with the next person on our lists. It's much faster, more effective, more accessible, and more fun than an old-school call list!
- Time: Hold your event at a time when you think people will come, and also at an hour that is OK to receive phone calls. Noon through 9 p.m. local time will be accepted. For weekday events, we recommend evenings over afternoons.  
- Location: You'll need a place with a reliable Internet connection to access the "dialer," the tool that will tell volunteers who they're about to speak with. You'll also want to limit the size of your event to whatever you can comfortably fit in your venue, where people can have conversations. 
- Title and description: You can set the title and description of your event, so long as it's on-topic! Here are some examples to use or get inspiration from in case you feel stuck: 

- "Vote with Pride" Phone Bank
- Phone Bank in [CITY]

- Join us in [CITY] to call swing voters as part of MoveOn's election program. Together, we can help turn out the anti-MAGA majority in the places that will decide this election to elect leaders who will defend LGBTQ+ freedoms and more!
- Let's hit the phones! Calling voters is so critical this election. Please RSVP for my Election House Party and spend a few hours helping defeat Trump and MAGA politicians by reminding voters how much of our freedoms are on the ballot, particularly for LGBTQ+ people. 

Contact Information

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U.S. and U.S. territories only

Event Location

Describe the service or technology being used for this event.
Select a location in the local area your event is for.
The city and state or region you select below will only be used to determine your local timezone.

Event Information

Must be in MM/DD/YYYY format. Event must start on or after 06/06/2024. Event must end on or before 06/09/2024.
This means that MoveOn will not recruit other MoveOn members near you to attend your event.

Event Description

If your event is public, people will see this description before signing up for your event.
For virtual events, provide information about how people can connect to participate, such as a web page URL, dial-in phone number, or other instructions.
Attendees will only see this once they've chosen to sign up for your event.

Event Rules

Here are the rules for hosting events:

  • I commit to planning and monitoring my event to create a safe, engaging, fun, and legal space for all attendees.
  • I understand that MoveOn has provided well researched instructions, and our group will follow all guidelines when reaching out to voters.
  • I will not share confidential voter data MoveOn shares with me with anyone outside of my event attendees.
  • I commit to uphold MoveOn's host principles and commitments.
  • I commit to running the event in accordance with all local and federal laws, and not participating in any nonviolent direct action.
  • I understand that MoveOn is a sponsor of my event and will help with planning and recruitment. Sponsorship does not include approving or taking on statements or actions made at the event.

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